check for all muts (eg., response_getter etc) and validate if really required
Gliffy Diagrams
sidr September 10, 2015 at 2:28 PM
No worries.
Spandan Sharma September 10, 2015 at 11:18 AM
Hey @sidr Though it's a trivial task, i would still put a hold on this because it depends on the nfs and client crate changes .. So it's more of an inspection task but i would like to see if any of the changes there would cause anything to break here. Hope you don't mind the task held up in review until sometime next week. I'll write here if i find anything in the meantime.
Krishna September 9, 2015 at 4:39 PMEdited
Cheers @sidr, if you can push this task to review and assign it to @Spandan Sharma, we can review and close this task.
David Irvine September 9, 2015 at 4:30 PM
nice one. I allocated you the task, if you can confirm your findings then please mark as in-progress then on to review thx very much
sidr September 9, 2015 at 2:22 PM
Just looked at this issue and here is what I found. I am not sure how to claim the task, so just commenting here.
There are total 5 mut variables in self_dns.
In, both reader(line 48) and writer(line 63) call prepare_window() (via and writer.write) on Sequencer in self_encryption crate. This function modifies the underlying struct and hence the entire chain needs to be mut.
In the mut variables on line 49, 85 and 177 are all modified after initialization. So they need to be mut.
So they are no unnecessary muts.
Verify that the usage of mut through out the code.